Wednesday, May 28, 2008

May update

Wow. Life has been crazy this spring. I had every intention of updating this often...

No time like the present!!!

Our little man is 10 months old and doing so well!! He's eating real food and everything! [Okay, real baby food - but that's a huge milestone for him.]

Financially, we're doing well ;). I'm going to update our totals over there on the side momentarily. We're not making our 10G May goal, but that's okay. We've put 2G into the car this year [we did receive a gift of $300 that helped with that]. Our mechanic said it's a great car and should be good to go for another 75K miles or more. We also used about 2200 to refinance the house. We have much better terms and interest rate as well as lower payments. If not for those two, we would have been there. And we're okay with that.

We put the radiator on the car - I posted about that. A few weeks later, the timing belt went out. We called AAA had it towed to a repair shop where Matt knows the owner and... had it fixed. That simple.

This past month, Matt noticed a dark spot of what we thought was oil on the driveway. The boot was toast. We ended up replacing the whole axle, the power steering pump and something else I'm forgetting. A friend who is a mechanic did that for us and we felt really good that, not only did we have the cash, but we were able to help a friend with it. We also had him fix the air conditioner. It's been out for a year and our mechanic friend said that the car - even though it's old enough to drive, a 1992 - is really in great shape.

So far, we've had a healthy year. Our emergency fund is up and our number of emergencies, overall, is down.

I promise... I'll post more! TVGirl... hold me to that!


Anonymous said...

I'm glad to see you posting again. I was about to give up! lol

Anonymous said...

Heya, it's getting into August. Let's hear an update!